Hi! I’m Jenny.
I teach yoga and meditation, and have a Polarity Practice in Rhinebeck, New York City, and online.
Polarity Therapy is a wellness based alternative healing modality developed by Dr. Randolph Stone based on ancient Egyptian, Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, and Western Osteopathic medicine. My background as a yoga and meditation teacher is over 10 years of teaching private and group classes, which I still teach weekly.
Understanding human beings, what makes us tick, express and thrive is what gets me up in the morning. I have studied psychology, social dynamics, and the hermetic and yoga sciences extensively over the past 20 years before and after graduating with a BA in Philosophy.
My work in branding and digital marketing has been 2010. I help brands innovate, and get effective and creative in the digital spheres to create expansive growth and new opportunities.
Fun, creativity, and travel are fundamental to my life.
My work is one of the best parts of my life.
- I teach three regularly scheduled weekly classes online, and I occasional teach workshops in New York City, online, and around the world.
- I work with students and corporations with offerings of Private Yoga and Meditation Classes, and Polarity Sessions via Zoom. To set up a time to connect use this link.
- To stay in the know, you can join my mailing list.
- You can also find me on instagram @jennybloomis